Does your grinder needs a deep clean?

Grinder plays an important role when it comes to brewing the perfect cup of coffee. The purpose of grinding is to break down the roasted coffee bean to expose the interior and allow the right amount of oils and flavors to be extracted. To keep your coffee untainted and to prolong the life of the grinder, it needs occasional deep cleaning.
Every time you grind coffee beans for a shot or a brew, little particles of beans and oils are being shot off into little hiding spots of your grinder. These particles are required to be removed in order to prevent the coffee from getting any unwanted flavors.
Cleaning your grinders isn’t troublesome or tedious. Dedicating 10-15 minutes consistently once or twice every month will go far in keeping up your café’s standard for quality and tidiness. Therefore, it is very crucial to give importance to cleaning your grinder at regular intervals.

The coffee particles and oils developing in the burr area may appear to be harmless initially, yet they gradually start to influence the taste of your coffee. Also, these off-flavors get mixed by new, non-tainted grounds as they pass by. This is where the flavor starts shaping up.
Thus, basically, the objective of cleaning is to eliminate stuck grounds and oils in the burrs to keep the flavor of your coffee consistent.
In a removable hopper, remove the grinding chamber along with the hopper and wipe these pieces clean with a microfiber cloth.
Also, a product like the Urnex Grindz tablets works great because they’re a safe and easy to use effective solution for cleaning all coffee grinders and removing the traces of stale coffee residue and flavored coffee odors. It uses a patented all-natural formula that adheres to the highest standard of food safety. Throw 30 grams of Urnex’s Grindz tablet in your grinder, grind and discard. Repeat this process with old coffee beans to ensure all tablet particles are flushed.
To prolong the life of your grinder, proper cleaning is a very important factor. Occasional deep cleaning is very much necessary to keep your coffee’s flavour quality intact to ensure that your customers get the best brew in town.